Valuation Analysis
A lot of thorny questions in transfer pricing economics stem from valuation. A cursory review of public capital markets will confirm that there is a high degree of volatility in valuing an entity or transaction. It is unsurprising, then, that valuation in the context of transfer pricing is often hotly disputed. Transfer pricing and tax valuations require a careful understanding of facts, risk profiles, and perspectives of both willing buyers and willing sellers to the underlying transactions (i.e., accurate delineation of the transaction in the parlance of the OECD Guidelines).
Our transfer pricing economists are well-experienced in delivering the following valuation services.
● Intellectual Property Valuation,
● Platform Contribution Transactions,
● Legal Entity Valuation, and
● Workforce Valuation
While valuations seem inherently complex, they do not need to be. The facts drive our choice of valuation approach and choice of benchmarks. We employ scenario analyses to help give our clients a sense of “range of outcomes” as well as uncertainties that are implicit within any valuation.